Another nice spring picture

Mar 29, 2017 | Picture | Basel | Spring

Another picture I shot last weekend during a sunny Sunday. In the background you can see Pauluskirche. This Reformed Church in Basel was built between 1898 and 1901, in a Neo-Romanesque architectural style.

Spring is here

Mar 27, 2017 | Picture | Spring | Basel

Yesterday the weather was quite amazing here in Basel. Spring is definitely here already.

Population in Europe Experiencing Depression

Mar 26, 2017 | Maps | Charts | Europe

Eurostats has an interesting dataset showing the percentage of the population experiencing depression in Europe. The map above shows that Hungary, Portugal and Sweden and the countries with a higher percentage of population experiencing depressive symptoms.

A breakdown by Sex shows that Portugal is the contry with the highest percentage of female population experiencing depression.


Mar 23, 2017 | Picture | London | Europe

Yesterday when I was working, I recieved a news notification related to a London Attack, where five people were killed and many other were injured after an attacker drove a car along a pavement near to the Parliament. I always enjoyed visiting London and Westmister near to the Thames river is beautiful. As I say when it happened in Berlin: I will keep visiting this amazing city and no terrorist is going to change that.

Water around Berlin

Mar 22, 2017 | Picture | Berlin | Europe

This morning when I was landing in Berlin I was staring at the window and I realised sometimes I forget how many lakes and water sources there are around Berlin. I shot this picture to remind myself about it.

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