Global Peace Index 2016

Feb 4, 2017 | World | Peace | Map

The Global Peace Index (GPI) is an attempt to measure the relative peacefulness of the countries around the world. The latest publication considers Syria, South Sudan, Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan as the least peaceful places in the world. On the other hand Iceland, Denmark, Austria, New Zealand and Portugal are considered the most peaceful.

Corruption Index 2016

Jan 25, 2017 | World | Corruption | Map

A year ago a published the 2015 update on the Corruption Perceptions Index and the data for 2016 is already available at the transparency international ( website. As a recap this organizatio fights for a a world in which government, business, civil society and the daily lives of people are free of corruption. This year the least corrupt countries on the list are New Zealand and Finland and the most corrupt are Somalia and South Sudan.

In Europe the trend is similar to last year: the most northern and western countries are least corrupt and viceversa.

In South America, Venezuela is again this year at the bottom of the list.

Trump Unfavorable Ratings

Jan 24, 2017 | Chart | Usa | Politics

The polls aggregates from Real Clear Politics shows that Trump opinion has never been more favorable than unfavorable. In fact it has been reported he assumed office as one of the most unpopular presidents in the modern history. The trend show it's again down after a short increase following the election.

2016 Hottest Year Ever

Jan 18, 2017 | Chart | Climate | World

It's very unfortunate but not surprising that 2016 was the hottest year ever recorded. NASA revealed the consolidated reports and the data doesn't lie. Global warming is quite real. See the average by season chart.

Live births in Switzerland

Jan 17, 2017 | Chart | Switzerland

Wikipedia has a useful page with a lot of stats about Switzerland Statistics. The chart above shows the number of live births per year. Very relevant information today.

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