US Incarceration rate
Oct 25, 2016
Reading about The US incarceration rate is shameful. Particularly in the southern states of the country.
Berlin Festival of Lights
Oct 18, 2016
Last weekend a colleague of my girlfriend was in town and I was happy to walk with her around the city. During the evening I remembered it was the last day of the Berlin Festival of Lights. During this event the main landmarks of the city are used as canvas for very interesting light displays. Some of the most beautiful ones were at the Humboldt university where I shot the pictures above.
Most popular Javascript Frameworks
Oct 17, 2016
Last weekend I finish converting the FX calculator I developed during my career break to React.js. I have briefly touched some code at work but I wanted to get my hands dirty and understand better the advantages and the challenges of this library.
I was also checking today some interesting [Google Trends data]( about the most popular Javascript frameworks in terms of search interest and React is definitively winning the interest war.
Women might defeat Donald Trump
Oct 14, 2016
FiveThirtyEight, the interesting site focused on opinion poll analysis, has become of the most quoted sites in political news. A couple of days ago the published an interesting article on how the USA election electoral map would look like if only women voted, based on their polls models. It's interesting on how it would be landslide defeat of Donald Trump!
Yet Another Beautiful Berlin Sky
Oct 11, 2016
The sky in Berlin is not only amazing in Spring but it can be in Autumn as well. Yesterday a former colleague was visiting the office and when we went up to the terrace I had the chance to see this amazing sky.
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