Nuclear Arsenals Map
Sep 9, 2016
This morning I was reading in the news that North Korea conducted a fifth nuclear test. Pretty scary to think this nation could launch a nuclear attack. There is organization called ican that leads an international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons. They track the arsenals maintained by the different nuclear powers.
Update on the breaksian travel map
Sep 8, 2016
As I mentioned a couple of days ago I have been working on this project to migrate my breaksian travel blog to the node platform where I'm running my applications. I already finished the main blog, but there are a couple of pieces more pending. Today I finished one of them. It was a small map showing the itinerary I followed while I was travelling in Asia and Oceania. I also took the opportunity to updated it with the missing data points.
Search engines global market share
Sep 6, 2016
I haven't checked the global search engines market share in a while because clearly Google dominates in almost every country but yesterday I heard an interesting podcast on BBC about the power of Google and I was curious about the position of the 2nd and 3rd players. The chart above is generated with data from startcounter.
Undusting the breaksian blog
Sep 4, 2016
My old LAMP hosting is about to expire and I’m using that account only to host a travel blog of my career break two years ago called breaksian. This weekend I migrated the contents to a node platform and I took the opportunity to review and publish a post about a week I spend in Ko Lanta, Thailand. Quite an special place.
Wikimedia Visits by OS Family
Sep 2, 2016
Alexa and Similar web rank Wikipedia as the 7th and 9th most visited site on the web, so the visit statistics produced by the foundation are a good proxy for getting data on the most popular platforms on the web. The previous chart shows the visits by OS family. As you can observe there windows 7 is the most popular desktop OS, but the mobile OS (Android and IOS) are responsible for almost 40% of the visits to those sites.
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