Most And Less Common Blood Type

Mar 2, 2016 | World | Heatmap table | Health

When I was at school I learned the blood type 0+ was the most common one and AB- the rarest one. Wikipedia has a good article about this information with a breakdown by country.

O+ and A+ are the most common ones and AB- is the least common:.

Most Convenient Passport To Travel.

Mar 1, 2016 | World | Travel | Map

Today an Irish friend at work shared a very interesting news article describing how the German passport was the most convenient one to travel around the world. There is a visa restriction index that classifies the passports based to the number of countries and territories that a holder can visit visa free. Germany has indeed the highest score followed close by many other European countries. Here is a map of this index worldwide:

Inflation In Europe

Feb 29, 2016 | Europe | Heatmap_table | Economy

Last Thursday the Eurostats Office published the inflation data for January 2016. Even if those numbers are definitively better than the hyperinflation happening in other regions of the world (cough ... Venezuela), there is always the risk on deflation:

Now it's remarkable how the highest rate in Europe was Norway, a pretty expensive country already. I'm sorry for my Norwegian friends.

Soap Bubble In Prague

Feb 27, 2016 | Europe | Prague | Picture

This weekend I wanted to do a smal city break and I realised visiting Prague by train was relatively easy (it's only 4.5h by a direct train). I went there, met and chatted with a Czech friend and spend the rest of my visit walking around and taking pictures. One the most interesting ones I was able to get contains a street performer making huge soap bubbles. Here the colorful bubble make a nice contrast with the people staring and walking around.

Abortion Restriction Laws In The US

Feb 26, 2016 | Usa | Map | Health | Politics

The last episode of the excellent show Last Week tonight from John Oliver dealt with a very contentious issue in the US: <a href="". I really like the approach that he took on this matter, acknowledging there are different positions on this topic, but hammering the "hypocritical" laws that under the umbrella of protecting the "Women's health" target="_blank">The abortion laws crear barriers for people who need this medical procedure and unfortunately don't have the money to go somewhere else.

The next map shows the US states that had enacted laws to force the women requiring an abortion for see an ultrasound on the unwanted pregnancy:

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