Corruption Index 2016
Jan 25, 2017

A year ago a published the 2015 update on the Corruption Perceptions Index and the data for 2016 is already available at the transparency international ( website. As a recap this organizatio fights for a a world in which government, business, civil society and the daily lives of people are free of corruption. This year the least corrupt countries on the list are New Zealand and Finland and the most corrupt are Somalia and South Sudan.

In Europe the trend is similar to last year: the most northern and western countries are least corrupt and viceversa.

In South America, Venezuela is again this year at the bottom of the list.
Countries affected by the Panama Papers
Apr 6, 2016

The news cycle during the last couple of days has been dominated by the Panama Papers. Those are a leaked set of 11.5 million confidential documents that provide detailed information about 214000 offshore companies listed by a Panamanian Law Firm. Many of those shell companies were set abroad by World leader, Politicians and Associated around the world.
The map above show the countries that have been mentioned in the Panama Papers.
The Least And Most Corrupt Countries In 2015
Jan 28, 2016
This morning I was reading the Corruption Perceptions Index 2015 published by transparency international ( This organization fights for a a world in which government, business, civil society and the daily lives of people are free of corruption and publishes this report that quantifies perceptions of corruption in the public sector and normalizes the data from multiple countries in an index from 0 (the most corrupt) to 100 (the least corrupt).
I compiled a couple of maps from their data sources.
One of the first conclusions from this report is that the scandinavian countries have the highest scores in the Corruption Perception Index (Least corrupted countries) as it can be observed in the following European map:
In South America, Chile and Uruguay have the highest scores, while Venezuela has the lowest.