Ireland Unemployment Rate

Apr 18, 2019 | Ireland | Europe | Chart

I have been tracking the unemployment in Ireland using data from the central office of statistics in Ireland website for some time and the changes are remarkable compared to the peak of unemployment in 2012. Currently the figure stands in 5.4% for the month of March 2019.

4 years ago in New Zealand

Mar 19, 2019 | Picture | New zealand | Throwback

4 years ago today I was in my a career break travelling in Asia, Australia and New Zealand. This was one of the last countries that visited during my itinerary and I'm completely fell in love. It's in my opinion one of the most beautiful spots in the planet. Additionally, all the people I met over there, were really nice.

It's sad that the country suffered a terror attack last friday, targeting its muslim immigrant community. Fortunately the perpetrator was arrested and the kiwis are doing everything possible to get the punish he deserves without providing any platform to further advance his deregend views.

Update: On the 21st of March the New Zealand goverment announced a ban on the military style semi-automatics and assault rifles. Well done!

Countries with a large population of Irish Heritage

Mar 18, 2019 | Map | Europe | Ireland

The map above shows the countries with a large population of people that claim Irish Heritage, based on the mapa available in Wikipedia . Assuming the data is correct, the highest population of Irish descendants is located in the U.S. (~33 Million). There are also considerable number of people with Irish ancestry in the UK, Australia and Canada. To all of you ... belated Happy St. Patrick's day.

Brexit and GBP

Feb 28, 2019 | Chart | Europe | Great britain

The official FX Data from the bank of england site, shows the changes related to the whole Brexit process. Yesterday it was reported that MPs have voted overwhelmingly to hold Theresa May to her commitment to give them a vote on delaying Brexit if her withdrawal agreement fails to win a majority within the next two weeks.. It's interesting how everytime Brexit seems to be further away ... the better the British currency performs.