Alcohol consumption expenditure in Europe

Jan 07, 2019 | Map | Europe | Alcohol

Eurostats published recently a report about the alcohol consumption in Europe. The report that in In 2017, households in the European Union (EU) spent 1.6% of their total consumption expenditure on alcoholic beverages. As you can observe on the map above the baltic states have the highest percentage of expenditure related to their GDP.

US Congress party control over time

Nov 28, 2018 | Chart | Us | Politics

The previous charts show the US Senate and US House party control over time since the 19th century.

Amazing Autumn Colors

Oct 14, 2018 | Picture | Europe | switzerland

Yesterday I noticed the Autumn colors are already here. It's beautiful as you can see in the picture above, but with the crazy weather this year and the temperature going up and down I hardly noticed this season is already here.

Air travel statistics in Europe

Aug 19, 2018 | Europe | Travel | Chart

Eurostats offers an interesting dataset about air travel in the continent, including the number of passengers per country. As you observe in the previous chart, the United Kingdom, Germany and Spain, had the highest number of air travelers through their airports in 2017.

Presidential Elections vs World Cup in Colombia

May 16, 2018 | Graphs | Politics | Colombia

I always believed one the main problems with the presidential elections in Colombia, held every four years, is the timing: They always coincide with the Football World Cup!. Football is an extremely popular sport in the country and when the national squad qualifies to the tournament, the country turns the attention away from everthing except to this event.

The previous graph generated with Google Trends Search Data, relate to this point at least on the online sphere: The Colombian people are more interested in searching information about topics regarding the World Cup, than topics related to the presidentials.

The first round of this election will take on the 27th May and the second round on the 17th June (the World Cup starts on the 14th). Just saying ...

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