Annual Inflation Rate in Europe

May 23, 2017 | Economics | Europe | Map

A couple of days ago Eurostats published a report describing the annual inflation rate in the EU area and some other non-EU european countries. As you can observe in the map above the baltic countries had the highest inflation rates (Estonia: 3.6%, Lithuania: 3.5% and Latvia: 3.3%), While Romania (0.6%), Ireland (0.7%) and Slovakia (0.8%) had the lowest ones.

Beautiful sky in BSL

Apr 30, 2017 | Picture | Basel | europe

Beautiful sky in the basel airport

The clock is ticking for France and Europe

Apr 23, 2017 | Picture | Politics | France

Today the French are voting in their presidential elections and the possibility of having a far right president, who has campaigned against Europe and NATO brings dark clouds to the European horizon. I'm hoping the french people will reject those proposals. Allez le bleus!

Beautiful Big Sur

Apr 18, 2017 | Picture | California | Usa

Last weekend we had the opportunity to visit the big sur park, a quite beautiful region on California's Central Coast. This region is quite beautiful as you can see in this picture.

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