Live births in Switzerland
Jan 17, 2017
Wikipedia has a useful page with a lot of stats about Switzerland Statistics. The chart above shows the number of live births per year. Very relevant information today.
Unemployment Rate in Europe
Jan 9, 2017
Eurostat updated its unemployment rates figures Iceland has one the lowest unemployment rate in Europe (followed by the Czechia and Germany), while Greece still have the highest, followed by Spain.
CO2 Emissions per country
Jan 8, 2017
The European Union EDGAR database contains useful information about the CO2 emissions per country and worldwide. The previous graph shows the country with the highest CO2 Emissions (USA and China) and the total Emissions world wide. It's inside the spike the world experienced since 2000.
Snowy Tree in Basel
Jan 7, 2017
The last couple of days have been particularly cold in Basel, but a nice gift that you get with those type of days is the Snow. Yesterday I saw this beatiful snowy tree next to the snow on top those leaves.
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