USA Country of Immigrants

Feb 22, 2017 | Maps | Usa | Population

The USA is indeed a country of immigrants. In 2013, 41M people out of the total 316M population were foreign born, coming from all over the world. The top countries from that list are Mexico, China, India, Phillipines and Vietnam, but it's a true multinacional and multicultural society that should be embraced!

Europe Crude Marriage Rate

Aug 17, 2016 | Europe | Chart | Population

The Eurostas office has an Interesting dataset containing the crude marriage rate data for the last decades across EU. It's quite remarkable how even if Portugal has one of the lowest rates in EU, it used to be one of highest in the 70's.

Population Change in Europe

Aug 5, 2016 | Europe | Chart | Population

Eurostats have an interesting dataset showing the population change across Europe including both the natural change and the net migration contribution. The graph above shows how the rapid decline trend is slowly reversing, but how migration is the main component of this change.

10 Most Populous Countries

May 30, 2016 | World | Map | Population

3United States323661000

10 most populous countries in the world. Almost 60% of the world population live there.

Europe Population Structure

May 25, 2016 | Europe | Chart | Population

The european union statistical office has an interesting article related to the impact of demographic ageing within the European Union (EU). One of the data tables shows the breakdown of the population in the ages 0-14 years, 15-64 and more than 65. The previous chart shows this breakdown by country in the 0-14 and +65 brackets. It's interesting how Ireland is the youngest country by far.

Europe Population Density

Apr 14, 2016 | Europe | Map | Population

The European Union Stats office offers a dataset with the population density per country. The map above shows the latest data available from 2014. It's not surprising that Netherlands and Belgium have the highest density in continental Europe.