Visiting the fascinating Pompeii
Sep 19, 2023

I've been fortunate to explore several European cities showcasing remnants of Roman civilization, such as the Colosseum in Rome, the Library of Celsus in Turkey, the Theater of Merida, and the city of Augusta Raurica. However, Pompeii undoubtedly stands on a different league altogether. Last weekend I had the opportunity to go there and it was a truly fascinating experience
Since this Roman city was frozen in time after the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD and it took multiple to centuries to discover it, the extend of its preservation is remarkable. It's surreal to find yourself walking along the original Roman streets, where once the horse powered carriages use to ride. These narrow, cobblestone streets are flanked by impeccably preserved remnants of residences, stores, and public structures, such as the Amphitheater, the Forum, and even the impressive Tower of Mercury, which offers a panoramic view of the vast archaeological park.
Quite a magical place!.
Inflation in the EU Zone
Sep 12, 2023

On the Eurostas website, inflation data for the Eurozone and the European Union reveals a decrease when compared to the peak observed nearly one year ago. Nevertheless, as reported by Euronews, the European Commission has revised its economic projections downward, citing that continuously high prices for goods and services are exerting a more substantial adverse influence than originally foreseen.
In 2023 and 2024, it is anticipated that inflation within the nations utilizing the common currency will climb to 5.6% and 2.9%, respectively. However, these figures still fall significantly short of the European Central Bank's (ECB) annual target of 2%, which it aims to attain through interest rate increases.
Geneva from the cathedral tower
Sep 1, 2023

A couple of days ago I had the opportunity to visit Geneva again, with a good friend of mine who was visiting me for the first time in the region. We decided to pay a visit to this interesting city, without definite plan, just chill and walk around the city. When we were passing near the cathedral I noticed there were some people up there in the tower and I proposed her to go up to have a panoramic view of the city (I had never done it before).
The plan turned out to be very interesting one, offering beatiful views of the different parts of the city with a clear and sunny sky. One of those views is captured in the previous photograph: The iconic Jet d'Eau in the middle of the clear water from the lake Geneva.
Iconic Hôtel de Ville in Paris
Aug 30, 2023

A few weeks back, as I was en route to Poland, I found myself on a connecting flight in Paris. During my stroll toward the Chatelet train station, I had the opportunity to encounter again the majestic Hôtel de Ville, with its amazing Renaissance architecture. However, on that particular day, another historical event came to my mind, that unfolded many years ago.
On the 6th of July in 2005 there was the announcement of the chosen host city for the 2012 Summer Olympics. As I looked at the Hôtel de Ville, memories came back about the disappointment and the "nooos" from the gathered crowd when "London" was declared as the selected city.
As I reflected on that past occasion, I couldn't help but think of the future. The people of Paris will be on the spotlight next year, since they will host the 2024 Summer Olympics.
Astonishing Catalonian Sunrise
Jul 11, 2023

This morning when the sleepy town of Cubelles was starting to come to life and I went for walk in the fresh morning, I was lucky enough to experience this amazing view, while the first rays of sunlight started to pierce through the thin veil of clouds, creating the very interesting picture you can see above.
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