Population in Europe Experiencing Depression
Mar 26, 2017

Eurostats has an interesting dataset showing the percentage of the population experiencing depression in Europe. The map above shows that Hungary, Portugal and Sweden and the countries with a higher percentage of population experiencing depressive symptoms.

A breakdown by Sex shows that Portugal is the contry with the highest percentage of female population experiencing depression.
Pay Gap in Europe
Mar 10, 2017

A couple of days ago, on march th 8th, it was the international women's day. I was chatting with some family member about this day should exist at all (there were arguing that the day should be everyday). I was checking the pay gap between Man in Women in the European countries and I think there is still a reason to celebrate this day.
Trump Polluting the news headlines
Feb 15, 2017

For many years now, Google News has been my main source for information since the algorithm stacks and order quite nicely headlines coming from multiple news sources. Since Trump was inagurated I had the subjective impression that his name is overtaking most of the headlines (He is newsworthy of course, but still). I was making a quick n-grams check on the headlines anchors and his name is indeed taking many of the headline spots.
Top UK artists in history
Jun 30, 2016

Interesting chart about the top UK selling music acts in history. Data from wikipedia