Ukranian Refugees in Europe in 2023
May 20, 2023

West united against russian invasion
Mar 5, 2022

At least all western countries have condemned in unison this unprovoked invasion and have uniformly applied sanctions against the Russian regime. Hopefully they will make it economically impossible to sustain this senseless war.
Ukrainian flag in the Basler Rathaus
Feb 25, 2022

Russia invades ukraine
Feb 23, 2022

Uk general election 2017 Polls
May 31, 2017

When Theresa May announced her intention to seek a general election back in April, the conservative lead on the polls over labor was around 21%. As you can see in the graph above this lead has been shrinking over time. It's very interesting to see what is going to happen in this election next month.
Top UK artists in history
Jun 30, 2016

Interesting chart about the top UK selling music acts in history. Data from wikipedia
Wikipedia brexit trends
Jun 27, 2016

In the aftermath of the UK referendum on the European Union, the news media were discussing how there was a "regret" feeling and how the biritish people were trying to understand what they have voted for. If you look at the wikipedia trends about the UK Brexit and Irish Passport articles it seems to confirm this point.
Brexit Polls
Jun 21, 2016

According to this wikipedia article that tracks all the polls related to the British referendum on the European Union membership (Brexit), it's going to be a close call even if the remain vote has been gaining ground in the last days.
In the last episode of last week tonight, John Oliver summarised quite nicely why [leaving the European Union]( would such a bad deal for the United Kingdom. Crossing the fingers.
Brexit And The European Union Membership
Feb 23, 2016
Yesterday at the office we were discussing the issue about the possibility of the UK leaving the European Union. Actually we wrote in our company blog, what this brexit would mean for European workers, some time ago. But with all this brexit discussion, we forget the UK is actually one of the oldest members of the European Union (1973).
You can check this map in detail here
Decline In Handwriting And Postal Volume
Feb 12, 2016
Yesterday evening I was listening a really cool Freakonomics podcast episode titled How needs handwriting . Stephen Dubner discussed the pros and cons of handwriting, its origins and the emphasis is still given in the high school system. Quite interesting.
I started to think that I use hand writing at work to draw schemas about the different pieces of a project or task that I need to accomplish, but it definitely has been a while since the last time I wrote a proper hand written letter.
I'm wanted to check if there was data about postal volume, because I guess the decline in handwriting has an impact on these numbers. I found two interesting sources:
- [UK Postal Museum](
- [US Postal Services](
Both sites show a decline in the number of total mail send. The decline is particularly dramatic after 2005: