President Obama Approval Rate
Jul 28, 2016
This morning I was reading in the fivethirtyeight site an interesting section dedicated to the US elections. They try to predict who will win the election based on the polls and historic data. They have been very accurate in the past so there are definitely an interesting source.
One of the articles linked on this site was a post titled why obama might be trump's biggest challenge where they discussed how president Obama is enjoying a high approval rate. The chart above is generated with the >>>Real Politics>"" data they were mentioning in the post.
Big Mac Index
Jul 27, 2016
According to their website "THE Big Mac index was invented by The Economist in 1986 as a lighthearted guide to whether currencies are at their 'correct' level". It's interesting because even if it was designed to compare the purchasing-power parity, it shows the imbalance between different currencies. This map shows the last calculated index in July 2016.
Nice picture in the Lustgarten
Jul 26, 2016
I have been living in Berlin for more than a year now and last weekend on a sleepless night I setup the site to check the different pictures I have been taking in the city. When I was browsing through my collection I found this cool photo I took in my first weeks in Berlin at the Lustgarten. I'm proud of the composition.
US Violent Crime Drop
Jul 25, 2016
Last week tonight discussed how the RNC "fear" topic related to crime in the US was not backed by facts. The previous charts generated with FBI data support this.
React Trending
Jul 21, 2016
I was discussing it with a colleague a couple of days ago. The Facebook React is definitely going to stay around. Look on the previous graphs the wikipedia page views increase during the last year and the trend increase in stackoverflow.
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